TEDx Talk The Talk: Preserving Joy for Black Children Below is the raw script to my recent TEDx Talk I recently gave for TEDx…TBLOctober 7, 2021
Black HairRace Discrimination, Hoodies, and Black Hair Recently, I had a bad experience that has stayed with me for about a week.…TBLMay 7, 2021
FaithLeadershipPoverty ‘Wash Your Hands’ Isn’t As Simple for People Experiencing Homelessness As we are fighting over toilet paper and complaining about having to stay inside, there…TBLMarch 25, 2020
FaithPoverty Low Wages Will Never Be Good News to the Poor Think about this: If you made the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, would…TBLSeptember 9, 2019
FaithPoverty Church Leaders, Like Politicians, Must Shift the Dominant Narrative on Poverty If you are a Christian and a millennial, then public theology likely matters to you.…TBLAugust 21, 2019